In the vast expanse of the universe, the Blood Cult Purists stand as a chilling testament to the power of mysticism. Rejecting the technological advancements of the Khat Rath Zu, they harness ancient rituals and dark ceremonies to navigate the cosmos. Their spacecraft are propelled not by engines, but by grotesque rites, and their ability to teleport stems from arcane ceremonies beyond the understanding of modern science.
The language of the Blood Cult Purists is a cryptic mystery, never deciphered and impenetrable to outsiders. This linguistic barrier, combined with their otherworldly practices, makes any form of communication with them virtually impossible. They operate in the shadows, their true motives obscured by layers of secrecy and malevolence.
The Blood Cultists are not just another faction vying for power. They are the architects behind the Abstracts. Through dark blood spells cast on the planet Astral Sanctum, they distort reality on surrounding planets.Their ultimate goal is to dominate all life in the universe, bending it to their twisted will.
On Planet-0, a secretive group known as The Umbral Order serves as the local arm of the Blood Cultists. These individuals, while not as powerful as the Purists on Astral Sanctum, still engage in dark rituals and ceremonies. Their leader, sent by the Purists, guides them in their sinister endeavors. The Umbral Order plays a crucial role in advancing the Blood Cultists' plans on Planet-0. With this planet poised to become the epicenter of their schemes, the Blood Cultists, through The Umbral Order, stand as a formidable and sinister force, orchestrating chaos and terror from within.​​