In the intricate web of the cosmos, the Khat Rath Zu cyborgs stand as a beacon of technological supremacy. Led by the ruthless Re'la, they operate with unparalleled efficiency. Each time Re'la touches the Titan Core, she transcends individuality, becoming a hive mind. This connection to other cyborgs allows her to orchestrate their actions with meticulous precision, unifying their efforts towards a singular, formidable purpose.
The Khat Rath Zu are not just pioneers of technology; their influence spans galaxies, driving civilizations towards unparalleled advancements. Their existence is a testament to the power of technology over mysticism, standing in stark contrast to the Blood Cultists. They harbor ambitions of universal dominance, leveraging their superior technology and strategic brilliance to reshape the cosmos according to their vision.
Re'la's ambitions extend far beyond technological innovation. She aims to dominate the universe, paralleling the goals of the Blood Cultists. To this end, the Khat Rath Zu visit Planet-0 every 500 years, spurring significant technological progress and transferring advanced knowledge to humanity. These visits are shrouded in mystery, as they erase all traces of their presence from human memory using the Titan Core, ensuring that humanity remains unaware of their influence.
Re'la's connection to Planet-0 is crucial to her grand design. By spreading augmentations among humans, she seeks to create a legion of transhumans under her control. Her reach, however, is limited to those with technological enhancements, as organic beings remain beyond her influence. To extend her influence to Planet-0, she must bring a piece of the Titan Core with her, allowing her to connect to augmented humans on the planet. This strategy serves to bolster her forces in the impending conflict against the Blood Cultists, ensuring that the Khat Rath Zu remain a formidable and pivotal force in the struggle for universal domination.