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The natives of Planet-0, humans, face a rapidly changing world where technology and augmentation have become the norm. While most have embraced these advancements, a rare few have chosen to remain completely organic. This decision often leaves them struggling to compete in a society increasingly dominated by those who have enhanced their bodies with cybernetic augments.

These augmentations include neural implants for faster cognitive processing, limb enhancements for superior strength and agility, and ocular upgrades providing enhanced vision and digital interfaces. Some have even integrated advanced exoskeletons and internal nanotechnology to boost their endurance and healing capabilities.


In this world where the line between human and machine blurs, the choice to stay fully human is both a statement of individuality and a challenge to survive in a technologically advanced society. While augmented humans drive progress and innovation on Planet-0, the unaugmented cling to their humanity, even as it leaves them behind in the race for advancement and efficiency.



The division between augmented and organic humans plays a crucial role in the larger narrative of Planet-0. Augmented humans become pivotal in the unfolding events. Their enhancements make them essential in the battle against the Blood Cultists and the Abstracts.


However, the fully organic humans, despite their disadvantages, maintain a unique perspective and resilience. Their untouched humanity becomes a subtle but powerful force, often overlooked in the grand schemes of the augmented world. As the conflict between the Khat Rath Zu and the Blood Cultists intensifies, the role of humans, both augmented and organic, will be vital in determining the fate not just of Planet-0 but the entire cosmos.

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